Valve publishes upcoming Steam Sale event dates and changes

Valve publishes upcoming Steam Sale event dates and changes

Valve has published the dates for the upcoming Steam Sale events for their PC games platform, Steam. They have also decided to change the Steam Sale associated with the Lunar New Year festival event to be a more generic Spring Steam Sale event. This change was a popular request from developers, asking for the move due to how close it was to the Winter Steam Sales event, which they preferred to focus on if they had to choose between the two.

Here are the dates for the upcoming Steam Sales events.

Autumn Sale: Nov 22nd to Nov 29th

Winter Sale: Dec 22nd to Jan 5th

Spring Sale: March 16th to 23rd (2023)

As usual, I’ll be on the lookout for good games on sales, but honestly I’ve been disappointed as of late due to the prices not matching what I think the amount of fun and enjoyment I can get out of it.