
First-look trailer of an untitled Captain America and Black Panther game

A first-look trailer released by Marvel shows some teaser footage of an untitled game featuring Captain America and the Black Panther helmed by Amy Hennig, a video game veteran known for her work on the Uncharted series.

The trailer opens with an old-timey type song, reminiscent of the Fallout series openings, with a look at paris, and then going into a panning shot of items on a table which look like they are from World War II. So from that, we can guess that the setting will be World War II, where Captain America played a prominent role before being frozen in ice for several decades. We can also assume that the Black Panther would not be the same Black Panther that we know of, played by the late Chad Bostwick, but perhaps a progenitor – a father or grandfather. And, of course, Hydra will be involved.